Muhlenberg College, Sustainable Planter Signs

Sustainable Self Watering Commercial Planters

We were approached by Muhlenberg College about creating signs for their EarthPlanters that described more about our product and the self-watering benefits. We loved the idea and got to work creating the signs:

Water Reservoir
Holds up to 40 Gallons of Water, Reducing Watering Cycles to Once Every 2 -3 Weeks

Sustainable Material
Planter is Made with up to 100% Recycled Material and is 98% Recyclable

Enclosed System
Uses 80% Less Water than a Traditional Planter

Environmental Savings
Reduces Labor, Vehicle Usage, Fuel and Your Overall Carbon Footprint 50-80%



A self-watering planter is an obvious choice when it comes to saving water, but at EarthPlanter, we’re proud to have engineered a truly sustainable product. Our planters have been designed to solve problems for business and the environment.

The signs are now at Muhlenberg College and available to all customers.